Useful Numbers
Age Concern: |
0800 00 99 66 |
Care Line: |
020 8514 1177 |
Carers Line: |
0808 808 7777 |
Childline: |
0800 1111 |
Cruse Bereavement Care: |
0870 167 1677 |
Drinkline: |
0800 917 8282 |
Frank: |
0800 77 66 00 |
Help the Aged - Senior Line: |
0808 800 6565 |
0808 800 5000 |
Refuge: |
0808 808 9999 |
Shelter Line: |
0808 800 4444 |
The Samaritans: |
08457 90 90 90 |
Victim Support: |
0845 30 30 900 |
Rape Crisis
08088029999 |
Support Line | 01708765200 |
NYAS National Youth and Advocacy Service |
0808 808 1001 |
Stop It Now Together we can prevent child sexual abuse - for confidential help and support |
0808 1000 900 |
help at hand support and help for children - making sure your views, feelings and wishes are heard and taken seriously. |
0800 528 073 |