Clinics We Offer

Antenatal Clinics
These are run by the Midwife and Doctors and are by appointment.
Baby Clinic
Appointments can be booked 5 days a week with our practice nurses. Immunisations are very important to protect your children against serious infections. We therefore encourage all parents to bring their children for routine immunisations when they are sent a reminder.
Post Natal Check
You will be invited for an appointment to attend the surgery when your baby is 8 weeks old. During the appointment your doctor will make sure that your baby is healthy and growing well and also check that you are well. They are there to answer any questions you may have about yourself or your baby too. Following the GP appointment you will then go on to see the practice nurse who will carry out your baby's first immunisations.

Contraceptive/Sexual Health Services
We are now able to provide additional services for Long Acting Reversible Contraception. We provide Hormone Implants and Coil fitting and removal. Please speak to a Nurse or Receptionist for more information.
New Contract Consultations
If a patient is aged 16-74 years inclusive and has not had a consultation with, nor attended a clinic provided by the practice within the last 3 years, they can request a consultation with the practice. If aged 75 years or older and not had a consultation within a period or 12 months they can request a consultation. If the doctor feels it would be inappropriate as a result of the patient's medical condition for them to attend at the practice premises, this consultation will take place at the patient's home.